June 2022 Class theme
Summer Solstice is the doorway into the second half of the year. It is a fiery time of year when the earth’s loveliness just seems to go on and on. Energy wise the summer solstice is like the full moon, full of possibilities.
The sun has ripened to its fullness and the earth is at its most productive. At the solstice the sun appears to stand still before it changes in direction. We too stand still, pause, and take time to reflect. We have reached the top of the mountain and stop now to take in the view.
It is a peak time. It is a time of dual celebration, we celebrate the power of the sun and welcome back the darkness – the expansion of light, which begins at the winter solstice, reaches its fullest at the summer solstice and therefore the sun’s powers will begin to wane. The year has turned and gradually the days will get shorter; the nights will get longer.
It is natural to want summer to go on forever, but summer isn’t over yet; there are still warm, sunny days ahead.
There is a shift in energy, moving from sun to moon, yin to yang, lightness to shadow, fire to water, action to contemplation and outer to inner. It is a time to incubate ideas, a time for dreaming our ideas into being and our yoga practice can enhance this self-reflection.
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