Call Lisa on 07958 299706
Yoga with Lisa
Enfield & N21
07958 299706

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga is suitable from 14 weeks of pregnancy.No previous yoga experience is necessary, making it  open to beginners.

The class consists of gentle stretching and toning postures, breathing techniques and relaxation, to help you through your pregnancy and child-birth.


 Practising  pregnancy yoga is a great way of improving your health and wellbeing, bringing  awareness to the pelvic floor for optimal foetal positioning. These classes also allow first-time mums  to meet other mums in a friendly and relaxed environment.

Practising yoga during pregnancy will help you relax, as you  learn beneficial breathing techniques for child-birth. These classes give   mums to connect and listen to their babies and their bodies. The class may also be beneficial for the aches and pains of pregnancy.

My aim is for  mums to be to walk away from the class feeling empowered  and relaxed.

For further information,  please see
“General advice for pregnant ladies doing yoga” and  “Pregnancy health questionnaire”.