Call Lisa on 07958 299706
Yoga with Lisa
Enfield & N21
07958 299706

New Beginnings

Sunday 25th April 2pm

Investment £15

Please book here

In the yoga philosophy teachings, Patanjali’s yoga sutras begin with

“and now, the teaching of yoga begins” PYS I. I.

This tells us that it doesn’t matter what has come before this is where we start.  This is a constant reminder that each time we get onto our mat we are starting again.  We remain present, practice with our bodies and how they are today; it doesn’t matter what happened before.  Can we experience our practice in the moment?

We are at the beginning of a new period, the start of the Zodiac Year: clocks moving forward, the Spring Equinox and lockdown restrictions lifting.  Outside, and all around us, we see the signs of new life, green shoots on plants and trees, lambs being born and birds nesting.

We have just spent a year of our lives being asked to stay at home, not to see family or friends.  The whole experience may or may not have been what we were expecting, and we may or may not have enjoyed it.  Would it have been easier if we had known just how long it was going to be for? Has it been more difficult over the winter months than the summer months?  Has the experience pushed our buttons, or will it spur us on in life as we re-emerge?

As you begin to emerge into what could be considered a new world, what areas have you grown and evolved in and what new challenges are you looking forward to taking?   Changes don’t have to be huge.  When we push our boundaries, we get our brains working and this shocks our bodies into action.

A butterfly starts its life as a caterpillar, before becoming a chrysalis and emerging as a beautiful butterfly.

Try something new, feel the butterflies in your belly.  You never know you might even like it!

Every time we wake up, we have the opportunity to start again;  it doesn’t matter what day of the week or month of the year it is.

Reset and start with being proud.