Igniting your inner fire
Igniting our inner fire gets our hearts pumping, heightens our desire for personal growth and reminds us why we love yoga. Cultivating a sense of self discipline and courage burns away impurities physically, mentally, and emotionally, paves the way to greatness. A fiery passion makes us get up and practice our yoga. This means that we are not pushing ourselves beyond our limits; sometimes its just showing up and practising. Trying poses that we usually find difficult or avoid, leads us mindfully towards our edge but we realise it takes times to got into a more advanced posture. We have the discipline to practise consistently and the humility to admit we are not perfect.
When we have the courage not to listen to the voices in our head that tell us we are not good enough, our inner fire burns away impure thoughts and habits, leading to more self-trust and inner strength.
What we learn on the mat are fantastic lessons to take off the mat. When we breathe through challenging yoga poses, step outside our comfort zone, or surrender to savasana we can take these lessons with us and learn to be strong in challenging life situations.
This month, turn up to class with a fiery passion and the discipline to burn away any impurities, leaving yourself purified.
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