Call Lisa on 07958 299706
Yoga with Lisa
Enfield & N21
07958 299706

Do you want to hear from me?

The important GDPR  (General Data Protection Regulation) changes come into effect from Friday 25 May and govern the way that information can be stored and shared about each of us.  Whilst getting to grips with the new requirements has been challenging for me and my web developer, without any help from a team of specialists (and there seem to be lots of them that have suddenly appeared), I’ve found it a positive experience, and have reviewed the way I maintain professional and responsible care of your data.

I’ve decided to be super thorough (as you know –  I have a tendency to be!) and so if you would like to receive future newsletters from me you must register on my website.

As part of the new requirements, I’ve also published a draft Privacy Statement which can be viewed here.

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